Academic Training

Your partners on the idea to impact journey


Diffusion academic training is unique. We build on our own experiences communicating, writing, and publishing our own research work in English. Our training enables you to distil our decades of academic experience into just hours.


Our webinars provide interactive training founded on our own deep experiences as academic writers, researchers, and communicators.


Our aim is to help non-native speakers to communicate as effectively as possible in English. We can help you to write and publish your work in leading international journals, create grant applications to win funding, present engagingly at international conferences. We focus our training on early career researchers (ECRs); gain the key transferrable skills you’ll need to be successful in your career, academic or otherwise.

Managing Medical Writing


Live Webinar: Thursday 23rd July 2020 @10:00 GMT


Statistics and Data Presentation


Live Webinar: Thursday 20th August 2020
@10:00 GMT

Understanding Research Ethics


Live Webinar: Thursday 17th September 2020
@10:00 GMT

Planning your Research to Publish in High Impact Journals

 Live Webinar: Thursday 22nd October 2020 @10:00 GMT

Journal Selection to Maximise your Career Potential


Live Webinar: Thursday 19th November 2020
@10:00 GMT

Diffusion Editing
288a Gloucester Road
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