About Us

We know what it takes to get research papers into leading journals.

Our team of editors, scientists, designers and media specialists is unique in the industry and is perfectly placed to help you get your research paper in great shape for journal submission.

We know what it takes to get research papers into leading journals. Why? Our team has deep experience doing just this: carrying out research, writing it up, steering papers into top journals and managing peer review. We can help you to ensure that your research gets published in the journals you deserve so that you achieve your potential as an academic.

We can also help you broaden the appeal and impact of your research, maximise visibility, and ensure you get the attention you deserve.

Our team members are all native English speakers and our scientific and technical editorial teams are all PhD-educated specialists in your subject area. This means that your article will be edited by an academic specialist in your area who will polish the language to ensure that your work reads as if it were written by a native speaker. We will also provide expertly written cover letters to maximise your impact and reach when your paper goes to the editorial office as well as pre-peer review services.

Maximise your potential: Learn from experience

Diffusion Editing
288a Gloucester Road
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